KUODA has successfully designed the packaging for Nellon Jeerakasala rice, the prestigious product of a multinational food products manufacturing company. With a focus on quality and trust, Nellon Jeerakasala rice is known for blending the fine taste of goodness and quality in every grain. The design team at KUODA paid close attention to the micro-details of the product while creating the packaging, ensuring that every aspect was showcased beautifully without compromising the overall aesthetics of the design. The result is a packaging design that not only enhances the visual appeal of the product but also highlights its quality and uniqueness.
Client: Koyson
Brand/Product: Nellon Jeerakasala Rice
Year: 2023
Services: Product Package Design

Agency: Kuoda Digital Solutions
Mob: +91 7994007366
Email: contact@kuoda.in

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